
Thursday, December 30, 2010

{New Year!!!}

First of all, how was everybody's Christmas? Mine was great! Grandpa and Grandma came over, and we sat around like bums all week. =P We also played lots of Uno, golf {with Uno cards}, Pit, word games, Catch Phrase {our all time favorite}, and a new{er} game called Snorta. We laughed so hard!! Grandma cut my sisters hair {she's worked at a beauty shop for a long time}, played with my brother a LOT, and continuously massaged my new lotion into my hands and feet. On the other hand, Grandpa took advantage of having one VERY tech savy girl, and two semi-sorta-kinda tech savy girls around, and had us help him with the new iPod touch he bought. It was pretty awesome. We used face-time to talk to my cousins, too. {who I miss like crazy!} And all of us took advantage of Grandpa's hobby, and watched a bunch of movies that he recorded off of the tv. Like I said, we were bums most of the time. ;-P Here are some pictures I took on Christmas:

I tried to take some of the Christmas tree, with tinsel in front of it, but I couldn't get the angle right, and my camera wouldn't focus right, so this is the best one I got. =( And it's actually...not aweosme. =P

One of the best presents all day (besides the chocolate). A replica of "A REALLY REAL PIRATE GUN!!!!" Mom found it at the thrift store for a couple bucks. SWEET DEAL, EH?

And the other best present: Mom's piggy. We haven't named it yet, but I must admit, it's the cutest pig I ever did see. =P

I had a really good pic of my bro and my grandparents, but it's sideways, and it won't let me rotate it. (grrr...)

I thought it was hilarious (and a little scary) how Dad fell asleep while playing with Seth's gun. It looks like he just shot himself. =P

And as for the meal . . . look at the thanksgiving post, and add ham to it. =P

I was just thinking how fast this year flew by! It seems like it was just Christmas of '09! And now it's 2011! Wow! I must admit, 2010 was not one of the best years I've had, but God really did bless this past year!

I've decided to try and make the best of '11, and even though I know hard times will come along, I have made up my mind to glory in each tribulation {Romans 5:3} and remember that every good and perfect thing is a gift from my heavenly father {James 1:17}.

Many people have been doing a "one word new year's resolution" and although I have many goals for this year, the one word that sums it all up would be
My goal is to increase my love for God, in a way that it cannot be contained, and to let it leak out so others can see it. My love for God should help me to love others, and to show them the love that has been given to me. My love for God should help me be a servant to others, and help me share His good news with the people around me. My love for God should help me become devoted to Him in everything I do, and to give Him the glory whenever I am praised. I have decided that in the year 2011, "my soul shall boast in the Lord, and the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad."

I hope God will bless the year ahead of you! Cling to every moment, because life is just a vapor!

Your sister in Christ,
MEEEEEE!!!! {~Lizzie}

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


My blog stopped working again! It won't even let me OPEN Blogger, so I thought I would post this one time to tell you all, so you know why I might not be posting. We'll have to see if it keeps posting. This being said, I already forgot what I was going to post about. =P Have a good day! ~Lizzie

Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010


About me Monday: Basically, I'll tell my awesome followers something totally random about me, so you can know me better. Kinda like my last post.
Tag Tuesday: I'll fill in one of those tags/quizzes and put it on here.
Wordless Wednesday: The one I didn't come up with by myself. =P Basically, just a really neat picture, sometimes with a poem or bible verse to go with it.
Fashion Friday: A picture of me wearing a cute outfit, and where I got it. =)

PLEASE pick either your top two, or just your favorite, but PLEASE no more than three! I might do them every other week, and I will still do normal posts. THANKS!! ~Lizzie

Thursday, December 2, 2010

{Offically CEREAL post about school books}

I doubt that made sense. But am I required to make sense?? I am? Are you cereal? That officially stinks. So if I don't make sense, do I have to explain myself?? Ok, I guess I will, then.

Anyway, you know how some girls say "like" ALL THE TIME?? I say it a lot, but I don't do it half as much as other girls. {{Realizes this has NOTHING to do with the subject. Decides to tie it in SOMEHOW.}} One thing I DO say a lot though, is "officially." I don't say, "I need to practice my violin," I say, "I officially need to practice my violin" or istead of "I'm hungry" I'll say "I'm officially hungry." I don't know why, but I do.

And I don't know why I'm telling you this. I guess just so you can know something new about me. =P And as long as you are learning new things about me, you might as well know that a lot of the time, instead of saying "serious" I say "cereal". It's funny to see who doesn't catch it! Some people laugh really hard when I do that, others look at me like I'm off my rocker {which is probably true =P}, and others {such as my best friend} don't even realize I did it. =P

Anyway. Yeah. =P Ok, so I thought this was a little weird, when I was doing my {EIGHTH GRADE} vocabulary, they stuck this in there:
Celery raw develops the jaw, but celery stewed is more quietly chewed.
Ummmm...that sounds like something that would be in my brothers FIRST GRADE reading book. Yeah. Anyway. I thought I'd post. =P ~Lizzie, Rachelle, Karelsey, Mustard, Trademark, Happy Zombie, Erin, Chicken, Cocoa, The Girl With a Million Names, 3D, Zebra, Parrot, Sistahish, Incon, Anne, Angel, Angelica, Marie, Thom{my} ECT, ECT, ECT.
This is why I didn't put "Rachelle," Kendra, because if I do that, I have to do everything else...=P